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perculiar day

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mollykins | 15:27 Thu 24th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
How's you day been?

~Someone came to the house to buy my bike and said they'd be back soon with the money, but neevr came,

~the meringue went wrong,

~ I had a scrambled egg fajita for lunch,

~ on the way to the dentist two police cars came by and half an hour later, on the way home, another came aswell,

~whilst I was at the dentist he asked if we could swap teeth.

Quite perculiar, not particularly eventful but odd I must say.


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Peculiar ya mean..
Why you selling your bike?
Scrambled egg fajita??I'll pass thanks..
Were the police at your home Molly?
Hope you told your dentist not to be so stupid
never mind Molly, wait till you get married and these little irks will pale into insignificance

Bobbi ♥
It's not often you make me LOL mollly, but what particularly tickled me today was the "....2 police cards came by & half an hour later, on the way home, another came aswell"
priceless !!
Somewhere else in the world it is FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH!
From this we can deduce that you have no bike, no teeth, no meringue and no Police.
Suffolk can be a strange place molly...:-)
How can that be? It's June?

Oh Lord - don't confuse Molly,,, please !
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that's impossible bf it's friday the 25th in some places . . . . .

the police came by as we were on our way there and another on our way home. Why do they sometimes on have the lights flashing but not the sirens going? like today?
They might not wanna be deafened...
Question Author
redman its my old bike that we found in the depths of the garage.
I still have teeth.
I have a lemon pie!
Well obviously there are police if I saw them, but thinking about it, could they have been from Norfolk?
Were they female cops from Norfolk?
red, get yersel doon to Norfolk, theres some owld bikes..LOL
My day has hardly been peculiar, depressing, long and boring though.

Came to work, did a bit of filing, sat reading the internet, started sorting out my stuff in/on my desk as it is my last day tomorrow :-(

Then once I escape here at 5, which seems like it is never going to get to.. I will be heading over to where I used to live with my ex to see him as he has packed up some more of my stuff for me.

So generally not the best day for me! Just wish it would hurry up so I coul get home and wait for my OH to give me a well needed cuddle!
Hello Bobbisox ! I could do with a good ride even on an old Bike :-) lol
Molly knows where they are I reckon..ha-ha
There is a bibilical passage rolling around in my brain, something like

Suffolk the little children to come unto me ?

or possibly

Jesus wept?

No matter, I am sure it will come back to me
How perculiar ttfn ;)
Bobbisox, where was that picture taken? It looks gorgeous.
I had a good if busy day, lots of emergency services (it's more peculiar not to see them round here). Was sat outside in town at about 7am with a coffee before hitting the office at half 7, planning this weekend's expedition (running support for a load of people doing the Welsh 3000's - 15 peaks in 24 hours), working by 8am, out at 6pm ish and off to a posh hotel for a fancy BBQ and drinks with a barristers chambers then coffee stop, shopping, home and more planning for this weekend before packing later as off straight after work tomorrow. Then to bed as alarm set for 5am!

Yesterday was a bit more eventful with an important judge getting a police band fanfare of an entrance to court, mounted police escort etc..., don't think they expected the clapping and cheering from the 12 floors of my work building who had been evacuated for some incident!
I've got my first tomato on my plant! OK , so it's just a little round green thing on the end of the stem at the moment but I'm willing it to turn into the real thing! First thing I've ever grown (apart from my daughter of course)

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