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Evening all, long time no see

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bobjugs12 | 21:51 Mon 28th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
How is everyone tonight?


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Yo bobs, where have you been - you have been missed!
Question Author
So i see.
I've been frustrated by a rubbish internt connection and an even worse phone lol
hi bob nice to see you on :)
admit the truth ... the World Cup has been a bigger draw
Question Author
Footie is always good, but studyinghas been the biggest draw
How's it going, enjoying the course?
He's a baby he's a baaaaaby! Evening wallace ;n)
Question Author
It's hard work, but worth it
Thought you'd electrocuted yourself on a defib machine mate : )
do you get advanced driver lessons for driving the ambulance at speed?
Question Author
Not yet, but i can see it happening soon albags. Either that or accidentally jabbing myself lol
Hiya geez! Did I recall someone saying that you went to Ibiza and had your car stolen?
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Cazzz, i get to do the driving course soon, once i've squared away a job
Question Author
Ibiza???? I've been to Essex and Canning Town. Oh, and had my car broken into in Fleet Services on the M3.
Lol, well Essex and canning town are a far cry from Ibiza!
Question Author
Canning Town is a far cry from the rest of humanity to be honest!!
Hi Bob,
nice to see you online again, how has your study been going?:)
Fixed up the Mazda yet Bobs?
Or got rid?
Hello Bob, how is the new job treating you?
Come up for a bit of air have you bob? How are you doing.

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Evening all, long time no see

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