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Withdrawel symptoms...

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Jemisa | 14:54 Wed 30th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
My hubby is in a right mood today, grumpy sullen, I thought it was the weather but I've just found out why NO Football TODAY, he's suffering withdrawel symptoms, anyone else suffering?
I've tried to ease him into tennis but its not working, tried Cricket too but its a no-no.

Gawd Knows what life is going to be like next week. H E L P !!!!!!



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get a long pointy stick hide round the corner and poke him
Men eh?
Know the feeling well, I sympathise with him....HaHa
When I suffer withdrawal symptoms I just poke it back in.
Will watch recorded matches I missed.......
Question Author
Trouble is Rowen he hasn't recorded any because he's watched 'em all. Our life has been put on hold because we've always got to go (if we're with someone)or get back the match is on in a minute...............

Make him watch Corrie tonight....
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craft, You are joking? HE HE HE HE HE!!!!!
Cheap football-One pound ninety nine pence.

Park- Free.

Him out of your hair as he races around with several other grown men making pillocks of themeselves-Priceless.
Send him down the park with his mates and a ball, they won't be back for hours
Question Author
Down the park with his mates???

It would be like an episode of "Last of the Summer Wine" tee-hee.

I like mcfluff's suggestion best.
Hasn't he got a Wii, X-box, Playstation so he can play a football game and take his mind off it? Failing that nip over to a charity shop and get him a Subbuteo set!
How's the pain, bigfoot.....?
Question Author
Its not the same as a live match tho is it,?
He's not into technical stuff. He can't (or won't) even use the PC.

HE's good with wood tho. perhaps I'll find me a piece and do what mccfluff reccomends.
i can sympathise with yr hubby, i also get withdrawal symptoms, but usually after her indoors asks for a break from sex .
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You MEN, D'ya think of nothing else?? Dooohhh!!!

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