hey all, i'm off on my jollies monday to tenerife and was wondering if i would get sweets threw the securiry?
I know i wont get any liquids through which really doesnt bother me, i wanted to go to the sweet shop before hand but really dont want to runthe risk of loosing it all?
Any answers would be deeply grateful xx
i think i buy a few from my local sweet shop and see how it goes. i only went away last year but really cant remember and by googling it, it doesnt give a positive yes or no. x
Since the definition of 'liquids' includes pastes, gels, etc, there's a remote possibility that you might experience problems if you try to take large amounts of Turkish Delight through security but you can fill your flight bag with humbugs with no problems at all.
Sweets are OK as long as they don't have any liquid or gel inside. Fruit is also OK so a bag of grapes or oranges are good for the thirst. You can take up 100ml liquid in a container no bigger than 100 ml and this must be in a resealable bag.