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ummmm | 10:30 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Is it still the case that if you wash money by accident and ruin it......will the bank swap it if the serial numbers are still intact ?

Years ago they changed some notes for me when my son ripped my money to shreds. Now my mate has washed his money and ruined most of it....


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Have you got a large amount of notes covered in red dye that you've tried to wash ummm? Should've came to me first as that's my "Forte" :)
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lol....afraid not.

My mate put them in a hot wash....he has no money left now, but it is payday tomorrow.
no harm in trying/ but they are cracking down on money laundering
Damn, Jst how much did they lose, and what did they wash the clothes with Sulphuric acid? Lol!
Lol, good one rowan!
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Haha......I don't think it's a lot of money....just his last bit.
His future consists of a hell of a lot of glue and

I did hear about that thing with the serial numbers being intact but wasn't there a certain percentage of the note that had to be intact also?
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I don't know...that's why I asked :-)

That picture reminds me of the time I capsized a boat with my Dad......and he was sitting outside the laundrette with stones on his pound notes. (this was in Butlins)
Lol, and what a memory!

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