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my football bet [part 2]...

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stokemaveric | 18:03 Sat 03rd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
spain 3 paraguay 0 £20.00 at 8/1.....thats the kiss of death for spain then lol....


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You must know more about football than fantasy football team is nearly all argentinian and brazilian :-(
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lol craft are you sure you are not fabio capello in disguise lol
I'm lumping on Paraguay to win on penalties...Playing with William Hills money after that Kraut/Uruguay/Dutch treble....
My luck will run out soon Stokie so there is hope for you....Might even have a tickle on WBA beating your lot next season....

Nah! I'm not that daft!
I've got Spain to win 2-0, stoke along with Germany v Netherlands in the final

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my football bet [part 2]...

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