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Rationing days

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tamborine | 22:28 Sun 04th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
How was cream made in rationing days when milk & butter were scarce, post war. Particularly, that served at school with sponge puddings?


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The 1001 or the tissue paper ?
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the orange juice smelled like cod liver oil was already added. We had orange & lemon sherbert (jungle juice).
Fairy soap was green..............I used to like Yellow Mixture.
Yes, Omo or Daz!!

You are right, it was Lifebuoy soap. Pears was that transparent stuff that was posh!!

I remember the parafin lamp being lit in the bathroom (yes we had a bathroom) and a gas geyser (sp) for hot water, or being washed down at the kitchen sink!!

No fridge, no washing machine a coal fire in one room and no other heating. Scrubbing boards and mangles!!
I hesitate to ask...yellow mixture was ?
lol ladyalex I don't know.......we were just given it if we felt poorly.
I am curious about yellow mixture too!!
Daz seems to be the only one of the early detergents to have survived. Omo has disappeared, along with Tide and Oxydol. It used to be said that some housewives, looking for a bit of excitement, would strategically place a packet of Omo on the kitchen windowsill, the letters apparently standing for 'Old Man Out'.
I'm trying to remember who made it.....I can't find it on google. I will have to ring my sister later to see if she can remember.
A bath once a week and Vosene or Loxene for your hair.

Midnight in Paris or Californian Poppy scent.....
Unimaginable now.
And that's before we get on to pre-decimal currency sums at school.
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it was a race to get the washing on the line first each mum did it the night before & I had to peg it out before 8am - or else!
Don't think I believe the OMO , mike.
My Mum used Rinso...don't see that about now. We even had Rinso tea towels that she saved up the box tops and sent for.
Was the yellow stuff Minadex (although I remember this as a tonic, thick and brownish if I remember right)
No canary it was pale yellow.....I'm starting to think it was also called buttercup mixture.
Minadex is still on the go, I think.
I gave it to the son-and-heir after he had flu aged 3 and wouldn't eat anything......mind you that was some time ago now, so maybe it's not on the go any more....worked on the son-and-heir...big strapping lad now.
There's a Buttercup cough syrup which is very pleasant to take
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chatting with my sis we wondered why the 'civvies' never invited us garrison kids to their homes - we were the original outcasts. This is how we lived:

I think I'll stop trying to remember and ring the sister.....she loved it as well
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I love malt's a great energy booster. Health food shops sell it as 'Cane sugar' but that's not the same.

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