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My goldfish caught fire....

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Bbbananas | 07:14 Wed 07th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
If someone rang to say they were going to be in late to work because of the above reason - would you be inclined to believe them?!!!!!!!!!!
Methinks this person is taking the piddle ;-)


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You're not serious are you?
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I suppose it's feasible....maybe with a blowtorch or something? Their 8 year old is ADHD and a right little arsonist..........
It's so unbelievable it's probably true...
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Still no reason not to come into work though - unless she was particularly fond of the goldfish?!!
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... or the RSPCA are coming round to take a statement?
I suppose she could have left it burning so she wouldn't be late....LOL
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Maybe she didn't want the sizzle & the smell of burning fish if she'd just thrown it back into the bowl....?
perhaps it didn't come out as she meant and it was the pump or filter unit that caught fire.....Saying that back in the days when I had staff I made the mistake of saying if anyone was late and could give me an excuse I hadn't heard before i'd let them off....
"they were looking for John lennons killer on my train" was one I particularly remember
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Actually rowan - it would have been one of those "silly excuses" - she and I have a thing going whereby if we're going to be late, we try & come up with daft reasons. The last time she was late it was "My toenails have fallen off & I have to get some nail glue from Asda" and I think mine was "My albatross has a poorly wing & I have to take it to the vet, but the only vet experienced in albatrae is in Africa, so I may be some time...."
I have used the bus was hijacked by terrorists and we were all driven to Gaza....
Also the bus driver had a breakdown and drove the bus to southend he thought we'd all be much happier if we went to the seaside instead of Whitechapel This actually happened but not to me...
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I'm assuming you mean nervous breakdown rowan?!!
Yes, my friend was an inspector at the time and had to drive out with the boss to relieve the driver of his duties and drive the bus back... None of the passengers complained they were mostly OAPs and I think they enjoyed the adventure
" i lost my glasses skinny dipping and i can't come in as i can't see"

was one of mine, was true as well - i had to go back to the boarding school the next day break back in in daylight and try to find the bloody things!
A lad I knew once phoned in saying, he was gong to be late as he couldn't find his trousers. He said it was foggy last night and he left the window open and now he can't see anything in his room!

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My goldfish caught fire....

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