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The Sex Education Show ...

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mrs.chappie | 21:02 Wed 07th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
By heck, it's a bit frank, innit!


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are you learning, mrs.c?
Sweet jesus........thats scaring the Sugar out of me!!
changed your mind about older women, bob?
I have not watched it, but the reviews are scary..
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Sara, it brings my own "sex education" to mind. Mum saying to me "If you find yourself alone with [insert boyfriend's name] don't take yer coat off, whatever you do.

Mind you, there was no chance of being alone with the bf in those days. Mum had him out the door and it firmly locked before she'd go to bed.

Hiya bj!
everything is so graphic these days :S
I'm thinking that 80 year old Pam is not my type of lady!!
mrs.c, lol!
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Cazzz, it's more explicit than it needs to be (IMHO).
shock value = more viewers.. ;/
What was it they just said about men over 65 with erictile dysfunction? The irony there when you think about somebodies birthday today...... ;-)
^ Be even funnier if his name WAS eric : )

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