/// The teenager is the 14th to be killed violently in the capital, and the 10th to be stabbed to death, this year.///
Harrowing figures in any capital city in the world, but we are not talking Kingston, Cape Town, or even Nairobi.
We are talking about our once great capital of London, which once was the envy of the world, where the policemen walked about with nothing more to protect them, than a truncheon.
/// Didn't people used to say that in the area where the Krays held sway there was hardly any petty crime? ///
/// a black person could not walk in london without being attacked, Abused, spat on or forced to the back of the bus.///
Can't imagine why they don't graduate to good old British crimes like murdering your ex's lover
/// The answers would appear to be investment. Not money - but investment of time, investment of guidance and investment of stong local leadership. ///
Well here are just a few of the 'excuses', 'reasons' or even diversions to take us away for the real reason, whatever that is.
We are talking here about the continued loss of young lives of those murdered and the waste of young lives to those who have committed these killings.
Since it is black on black crime, is it something that is inbred among black people?
Is black culture to blame for organising young gangs? If so who are their role models.
Why do the members of these gangs demand 'Respect'?
RATTER15 is correct, in the past young boys have carried knives, air-guns, bow & arrows but never deliberately inflicted wounds on their fellow humans.