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Which school near Newcastle is this?

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lynbrown | 10:59 Thu 08th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Last Monday, we were on a bus returning from Beamish Museum to Newcastle. After a few mins, lots of teenage school kids got on. Their tie was red with a narrow white and navy stripe at intervals. Anyone know the school?


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probably...but why lyn?
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i saw a bad case of bullying - a young lad was winding up a much older man, who appeared to be vulnerable, in a most upsetting way. However, the man was laughing-but the schoolboy was nasty and encouraging his pals to join in. There were few adults on board. I want to alert someone that this schoolboy is on the way to being a proper bully and would maybe turn to others. He was very big and stocky for his age group.
oh hell lyn, that was bad, was it burgundy or red? and were they wearing a Blazer?
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As I recall, it was bright red, most of the kids were in school uniform of blazers, polo tops etc. This lad was about 13 and I wont describe him as, if you knew him, you would recognise him immediately. What is the school please?
sorry to be so inquisitive lyn, no I wont know him but I can find out should you tell me what area you were travelling, I am trying to be helpful here...
Question Author
We had left Beamish Museum at 3.20 heading towards Newcastle and they boarded the bus after we had travelled approx 10 mins.
it is probably in the Birtley area lyn, if so Gateshead Council will help you with the definitive colour
0191 4333000
I hope this helps

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