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O.K. then

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ttfn | 21:55 Wed 07th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I am having an early night tonight, stone cold sober, and still laughing.
Just to say good night lovely people, have enjoyed your company - sweet dreams all and ttfn ♥


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nite nite Sis, let me know how you get on tomorrow
Night ttfn. Sleep well xxx
get your rest for tomorrow, you dont need any beauty sleep
Goodnight ttfn hope all goes well for you tomorrow. ♥♥
night night, ttfn x
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Quite right 4get - seeing the knitwear fanatic not a plastic surgeon !
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Guess who can't sleep !
nite, ttfn, I wondered where you were - going up myself in a mo, just disentangling from a few threads here! all the best for tomorrow, let us know ♥
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You could become Hilda Ogden!
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vibes - you don't - it is by invitation only (:-))

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