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Cristiano Ronaldo

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oscarina | 19:37 Thu 08th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
What is this all about, his new baby from a surrogate mother, he has named the baby Christiano, why a surrogate mother!


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Because he doesn't have the correct internal plumbing himself............
because he wanted a child and hasnt settled down yet.
I thought he just had a baby with a woman who doesn't want to be identified and who has agreed that he can bring it up. A surrogate mother is one who has a baby for another couple - this wasn't the case here as I understand it.
are you saying he´s firing blanks. ?
doesnt have to be for a couple boxtops. No-one knows if it was a one night stand or if he wanted a surrogate
That's not what I understood, he didn't use a surrogate sperm donor from what I read!
he,s a winker....
This is true 4get, but I understand it's his baby. I have to say I am not really bothered either way, it's his business not mine!
yer I dont really understand why the papers are desperate to find out who the mum is.

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Cristiano Ronaldo

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