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Summer Holidays! What have you planned

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oscarina | 19:23 Thu 08th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
What have you planned for your Summer Holidays from work school etc! Considering the weather is great at the moment are you staying at home or going abroad or just barbecuing in the back garden !


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Staying at home cant afford to go abroad
I always stay 'at home' but then I do live in a beautiful part of the country.
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Hi poodicat
hope you enjoy the summer, don't need to go abroad at the moment, weather great here!
Hi ladies where do you both live?
We went away in May, so we've had our holiday - when not working, I will probably be in the garden. 30 degrees forecast for our part of Kent over next weekend!
hoping for a few day trips
going to guernsey but not till sept,ive got a week of my ''summer'' holiday left but its back to work for me next wednesday after nearly 3 weeks off...mrsm has got me doing some jobs round the house for the next few days i shall be glad to get back to work for a rest lol....
Going to the Tattoo in August...and have yet to book accommodation... got the first night tomorrow will be spent look for a nice cottage somewhere in Scotland
I've just come back from Scotland and was lucky with the weather.
Now the schools are on holiday the city is pretty deserted ( except for tourists )
and there's plenty of parking space and lots to do. The weather will be well over 30°
this weekend, so it's beergarden or pool - or both!

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