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Bbbananas | 08:14 Fri 09th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
80 Answers
..if it disbanded?
I would. This site has given me so many laughs - literally Laugh Out Loud moments, and ok we're only virtual friends on here 'n all that, but it does seem as though I have got to 'know' a lot of you. I'm quite fond of some of you old buggers.


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Moist situations....
There's a lady on this site who can't stand the word moist - it makes her go all shakey. Can't think who it is.... somebody weird, obviously. Umm? Fluff? Zzxxee? Peri?
Yes I would as well salla as it serves a great deal of very useful functions apart from the ChatterBank section where there is usually good banter and laughs.
Many of us are Cyber friends and long may it continue without the nastiness that sometimes happens !
I would miss the people I like and have a laugh with. I will not miss the grumpy buggers who insist on arguing over E V E R Y T H I N G =)
ha-ha Greed, I have turned over a new leaf

Nope...doesn't bother me. I bet it's that weirdo McFluffy..!!
hello ummm
lol ! Morning to everyone.
Bobbisox looking lovely again !!
I try me best red...ha-ha
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Moistness Moistness........... let's try and get the weirdo from out of the woodwork ummm...
(I didn't think it could be you.... you love a bit of moistness from what you were saying yesterday) x
What a horrible word
i think it is me i really don't like the word

eughhhhh its nearly as bad as jelly
I don't like it either it sounds gross
eugh dead slugs, not sure whats worse

god if i had to eat jelly or slugs in order to save one of youse lot, think you'd have to die, sorry
Yes, I would miss it. There are lots of great people on here and a lot of humour and also it is a good source of knowledge - I have learned a lot. There are days when I spend too much time popping in and out, usually when my joints hurt or I just have can't be bothered days. What really amazes me is that some people seem to be on here full time, morning until night and I can honestly say when I was working I would never have had the opportunity or the time to log into AB. Some people on here seem to have very cushy jobs. Since the 80's I can honestly say that I worked my socks off!!

Yes, I would miss it, but it's not a major part of my life - bit like Corrie really - I love it, but don't get stressed if I don't see it for weeks or if other things crop up.
Boobies can't stand that word either.

And yeah, I'd probably miss the site.
very good analogy there LL
Oii, banana's!..........less of the old, sweetheart :0) xx
Moist is surely better than soggy?

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