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rugeleyboy | 21:51 Tue 04th May 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
obviously i am the ONLY person who is to stupid to get their avatar to show up on here!!!

ive done bloody everything but it just wont show up!!!!

a bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes cures all me thinks!!!


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You got further than me. I lost the will to live with just finding one.
I'm the same. Keep pressing shift, but nothing happens.
It's control and F5 you need to press, not shift - give it a try.
Please, just look at the very top of this page,'want an avatar click here to find out how to get one!' really if I can get one so can you .
Question Author
my avatar looks lovely in that website but for some reason wont transfer to over here?? glad im not on me own!! lol
dont waste yr time. nothing works, all the advice i was given failed inc that bludy ctrl and f5.. just forget it, it´ll drive you mad, you´ve been warned
Depending on how far youve got,if control+F5 doesnt work try clearing your browsing history.
Is it showing under your My Profile page on AB?
When you go under My profile, Edit User Details is there a tick box saying whether it's active?
Have you tried logging out of AB, clearing teh cache on your browser (if IE use Tools, Internet options, Delete, delete..). then log back into AB.
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its not showing on ab so i will log out and clear my cache
Are you sure that you've used the same email address on Gravatar as you did when you registered with AB? If you didn't, your avatar won't show here.
Question Author
yeah defo the same email addy?
Did you remember to click 'Submit' after ticking the box to activate your avatar?
How far have you got with the following:

To activate your Avatar please Log in

At the top of the box labelled "Edit Profile" there should be a tick box. If you want to activate your Avatar, tick the box.

Scroll down and click submit.

Then log out of AB, fully clear your cache, wait maybe 15 mins, then log back in to AB
Do everything as they say, make sure you have the same email address on gravatar as answerbank and if all else fails, press CTRL F5
For Barmaid, this site has lots of avatars..... maybe worth a look when you have a minute..............
Have you given up on the avatar then?

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