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did your parents [when you were a kid]....

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stokemaveric | 23:05 Sat 10th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
scare you with ''the bogey man''....he will come and get you and take you away if you were


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My mum made me watch a film called 'The Devil Rides Out' when I was very young (7ish)... she then used to threaten me with the devil if I misbehaved. I was rather glad when she put me back in a children's home!
yes stoke....we were told that the bogey man would come and put us in a big bag and take us away..... i suppose it was what my parents were told as well when they were young ....*shrug*
My wee brother (aged 42) said that he thought that he would be sent to Africa and dumped if he was bad.

He tries not to say the same sort of things to his three little ones - but we become our parents! ;-)
Cant remember getting threatened by the bogey man,just the threat of a slap if we didnt go to sleep
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daffy,my god the devil rides out was a pretty scary film,i would have behaved like an angel if i was threatened by that...sorry you were threatened in that way...and 20silkcut so the ''bogey man'' wasnt just in stoke on trent then??lol...wolf maybe he should have been sent to africa...he could have put a pair of boots on lol....
Worse than that - he moved south to England. ;-)
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yes poodi a slap was often more painful than the threat of the ''bogey man''
My parents didn't but I was often babysat by my auntie who was only 10 years older than me, and her pal. They used to torment my sister and I something awful - they had my sister in tears every time cos she didn't like the Bay City Rollers :) But I remember them going on about the bogey man, and one night they said he was there, we all ended up running up and down the street in our nighties, hysterical. A fly or something hit my sister's cheek and they said it must've been him, he could make himself really small and fly. Ah, happy days ;)
When I was little in the 1950's there was this quite spooky gothic looking large detached house at the end of the road surrounded by large shrubs and metal railings. I was told this was the Broken Bottle Home for naughty children, where I'd go if I didn't behave..
I later found out it was an old peoples' home............
yes they did and that if i was really bad i would be sent to dr barnardo !!!

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did your parents [when you were a kid]....

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