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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:26 Sun 11th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Sunday morning and it's been raining. Not a lot, but the garden looking a bit better.

Have a happy day everyone.


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I used to sun myself loads, and turn a lovely colour.

Now wih all the scare stories, I'm a bit more careful not to get too much sunlight.
morning all lot cooler than yesterday thank god for that ,it was too hot here in bean!!!
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Morning Suesy. That was a bit careless! :-0 Not nice at all.

Very wise Hopkirk. Lots of scare stories about.
Morning WBM, I often wish there was more I could do but since having a stroke in 2000 I'm quite limited as to just what I can do. Even when walking Max I take my trusty shooting stick so I can rest whenever I want and it gets really frustrating when a job that used to take you an hour takes all day and whats even worse the boss rations me to two pints of cider a day. Still we make the most of it after all there are a lot of people in the graveyard who would like swop
Oi, who turned the lights out?

We had beautiful scorching sunshine yet again, and it's suddenly gone all grey.
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I know how you feel paddy. But as you say, we are lucky compared to some. but it does get frustrating at times, for the reasons you say.
Not had a drop here in the midlands but got a lovely breeze at last. Won't be scaring off the peeping toms tonight if it keeps up.Have a nice day all.

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Good morning early birds!

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