Has anyone tried Red Flower Oil, a chinese rubbing solution, only I have problems with my knees, (Too Much Football). On the off chance I popped into a Chinese medicine shop and they gave an examination, and prescribed this. It is a little like "Deep Heat" but more intense and at the moment seems to ease the pain somewhat, but I just wondered if any of you guys have goog or bad experiences with it. Am also considering Acupuncture any views?
Acupuncture has worked for me stevie. Had tennis elbow years ago and it cured it. Still get acupuncture a few times a year for different ailment. Its worth a try.
try taking devils claw tablets give them a few weeks to work and you will notice adifference...i have just looked that red flower oil up..you might as well make your own as you can get all those ingredients..as cinnamon is one of them when i did my herbalist course they said to take more cinnamon in the diet as it will be good for the circulation..nettle tea would also benefit you..