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snugglecuddle | 15:17 Sun 11th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Would really like buenchico's opinion xx Your help and advise been so helpful to me in the past and i have only got untill 16.30 to make decission about should i give back my ex partner his passport or not he says he needs it to produce ID in court 21st july on the ABH charges on my daughter but im thinking he is worried of wot the outcome will be and wanting passport for other reason x does he need ID for court if so he has his driving licence card is that enough hope you can help as you have been brilliant in the past xx


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Until buenchico answers this; what would he have done had he not had a passport?
Why not hand it into the police and tell them you think he may be planning on going away and the circumstances. They can then produce it at the court if he needs it but he can't disappear.
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Thats why im worried bout handing it over i also have his birthcertificate altho they are quick to get again from registry office x
I don't see why he should need any ID. It's highly unlikely an imposter is going to turn up to face an ABH charge.
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I could hand it in yes but i have had so much grief regarding his charges and wot he did i am thinking less grief just saying i dont know where it is and just holding them off till after court on 21st at least
Its his so I would give him it back.
Up to him if he takes any chances.
Good luck x
1. It's illegal to withhold someone's passport. Police will be around for it.
2. You do NOT need ID for court.
3. He "might" need it as the police may wish confiscate it according to court outcome.
Aren't you committing some kind of offence by not giving it back?
If you took it to the police, the way they chase targets these days, they'd probably arrest you for stealing it!
I think it would be better to give it back, simply to avoid getting yourself into trouble.
Sorry, I didn't see this early enough.

You don't need ID for a court appearance. Any UK passport is actually the property of the British Government; nobody has the right to possess any passport other than their own. (It's actually a criminal offence to be in possession of any passport other than your own. Obviously nobody will get prosecuted for simply 'looking after' someone else's passport but it would be extremely unwise to withhold another person's passport).

I hope that you've given the passport back to your ex. If you believe that he might use it to try to abscond you could notify the police about it but, unless the police or the court imposed a bail condition prohibiting from leaving the country, they'd be powerless to prevent him from travelling.

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Thanx for all comments and thanx buenchico i did say i couldnt find it at 4.30 when his mum came round but after just reading this from you i have made the call to her and she is coming round later to pick it up x I just hope he isnt intending to use it for obsconding and he will show up in court and face the charges

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