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mini redcrx's party

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4getmenot | 21:18 Sun 11th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Well I've come on here to say what a crock!! I played pass the parcel and it didnt stop on me once!!

:-( Stamps feet


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But was there a prize in every layer or just the big prize in the middle!! and did the magician have a rabbit?
Ah, shouldn't worry about it, you probably wouldn't have been ecstatic about the sweets you got anyway! you always start them and before you know it, they're gone! :-(
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in every layer, I think it was fixed :-( and no rabbit but kids loved him
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some kids got 2 prizes
hope you've changed out of your party frock now you're home, did you get a slice of the birthday cake and a party bag?
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didnt get a bag just the toys out of it lol
and the rest, sis! (she pinched all sorts)

there was a prize in every layer and i think all kids had fun, Little CRX said it was great. My avatar is of him watching the magician in awe
or it should be lol (ive still got baby CRX on my screen)
ah there he is.
I've got littleCRX
I can see a picture of one well-impressed birthday boy! Glad he had a brill time.
^no no, that sounds like a ransom message, sorry! I can see his awesome pic, is what I should have said!
Lol @ boxtops. Hahaha.
haha boxtops. I wouldve let you keep him overnight, i need the rest lol
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I got them for my other niece :-)
yeah yeah, so you keep saying, 4get lol

have you tried the cake yet? Ive not managed to have any yet, he looks too cute to eat
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I had a tiny bit and let S and his mate have rest, they liked it

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mini redcrx's party

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