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good morning all

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berniecuddles | 05:11 Mon 12th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
overcast and very muggy here in bean.
it monday yuk!!
back to work,oh well.tea and toast in a minute then off to work.
have a good day and be safe


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Salla... I AM bobjugs. I made him up. I'm lying through my teeth about visiting him this weekend. My God, I have a fertile imagination. ;-)
Cute Tony always has digs at NoM.
The avatar comment is insinuating that NoM is a liar.
Oh, geddit now. Never mind NoM - I believe you.
You two obviously have history I am unaware of!!!
It's just Charisse in her latest guise. I pretty much figured it out from day one when CT came on and made straight for me and Bobbisox. Takes all sorts I suppose.
I have a dodgy keyboard so ignore any spelling mistakes

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