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Can you guess the theme?

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bobjugs12 | 22:54 Sun 11th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers


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Sorry, Pasta... hiya mate. How are you? x xx
they do now, I've not seen it used before and so had no idea. I'm not telling you mine though.
Bobjugs is thinking of shagging the lovely yet Caroline ( again ..... thinking mind........just in his )..........but wants to make sure he does'nt peak too early, so hence has to think of Gail from Corrie to keep him from premature e-jug-ulation ................LOL
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NoM, i'd forgotten that. This was just about Neil Diamond, and the amount of songs called caroline
Yogi... you need help, darling.

Dot... can I have 3 guesses?
the lovely yet Caroline ( again ...............

the lovely Caroline ( yet again (......thats better.........the bears had a drink or two :0) x
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Dot,is yours Dot??
Yogi, have you spent a lot of time thinking about me and my sexual habits?
did yogi miss a word our between yet and caroline? Do we have to guess what he might have meant ? I'll go first, 'out of my league' lol
"Yogi... you need help, darling."

Mrs bear's been saying that for years, NoM..................:0) x
Gosh it is obvious isn't it...bobjugs and NoMercy met up at long last...
"Yogi, have you spent a lot of time thinking about me and my sexual habits?"

Nope....... but think you should go on Jeremy Kyle to sort it out ASAP, as it wont just disappear on it's own.

As long as the minute is memorable, thats all you can do for the lovely lady..........better to have loved for a bit than not to have loved at all.............(The Bear 2010 Copyrighted ) :0)
Cutetoni, are you following this one? http://www.theanswerb...k/Question915671.html

(I just posted this on that one too, daft or what....)
God no bowtops! I have a sneaky suspicion that 'they' share more commonality than we are lead to believe ;n) LMAO...
Aww dear. If you say so, Cutie pie, if you say so.
'White Horses'? - - Didn't Susan Boyle sing that on her CD? Nice version too.
Prefer it to 'Jackie'


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