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About time?

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cupid04 | 09:53 Mon 12th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Rain at last. How much rain will it take to make my brown lawn green again? Feel much cooler,
but still knackered from the last couple of weeks of not sleeping because of the heat. How is
everybody else doing?


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Approx one inch of rain to penetrate one foot into ground so probably half a day of steady rain and a top up shower now and then for couple of weeks, lawn will be stressed so feeding it when it atarts growing would help.... know what you mean about being knackered... on top of the duvet, window open, fan, its like revisiting the menopause.....
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I've got that to look forward to. My husband says I'm bad enough every month as it
We live in a bungalow, so sleeping with a window open isn't really an option for Mrs. BB and me. I sometimes envy people who don't seem to notice the heat, and they're often slim, if not skinny, people, without any extra fat on them. Such people do, however, feel the cold in winter, whereas I, with my extra fat, don't.

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