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NoMercy | 22:46 Mon 12th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Who's in a good mood, and who's in a bad mood today. And why?


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I'm always in a good mood,
erm because i is easily pleased?
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That's great, Mick. Good for you.
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Hey, Hopkirk... how's Randall?
deceased now aswell
I'm in a brilliant mood thanks babe, feeling on top of the world
I'm usually in a good mood! Rarely in a bad mood, only happens very rarely, and with good reason!...................very happy at present!.................
Hi Nom. I'm in a good mood now because I'm at home, but I shall be in a bad mood tomorrow when I have to go to work!
Hi NoM - sorry Alfie's manners were piggish today.
Neither good nor bad mood - just reflective. Too much time to think at the moment. How is your mood - good I hope?
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I was in a bad mood earlier with my little mutt. Then in a guilty mood when he curled up in a little ball and acted mortally wounded. Now in a good mood because some of the posts on here tonight have made me laugh uproariously.
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Lard... that makes perfect sense.

Bobs... glad to hear it. ;-)
fairly level at this time at night chillin on the lappy but up and down quite often ...
My sweet, you should be glad. It's all your fault that I can't stop grinning.........i also cannot stop whistling xx
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Awww... what makes you get down, Kirky? x
my mother is very ill, work gets me down at times and i also do a very good jobe of letting things get to me sometimes ...

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