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What a day

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4getmenot | 21:45 Tue 13th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
5 Years ago I became the proud auntie of a beautiful baby boy, 2 years ago I became even prouder when redcrx had another, a baby girl and about 10 minutes ago I have become an auntie for the 3rd time to my brothers new baby boy.

But I want to say congrats to redcrx who has become an auntie for the first time tonight!!!

Congrats Auntie Redcrx xxx


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yer I know you have others on your partners side, In that case I now have 4 nephews 3 nieces and another on way in January lol
barmaid I'm now sending a msg on FB. x
no offence intended, 4get.
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jno non taken. Someday i hope to have them no matter how. Dont worry yourself x
I love being an nephew is a teacher, another is a doctor, and the third is still at school............all lovely boys.
my house is infested with nephews from down-under. They've almost run me off my feet but I expect Tesco to send me lots of extra discount coupons soon.

The next shift from Oz have booked themselves in for August - yowl :(

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