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What is the definition of....

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Bbbananas | 11:30 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Silliness ?


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Questions regarding alarm clocks.
Trying to push a marshmallow into a parking meter.

Or playing snooker with a piece of rope.
Any of Docspock's threads
another-view and his meltdown
farts..................... since the dawn of time people laugh at them !!!
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I have obviously missed a spat between a-v & doc. It's took me all bloomin morning to twig. Derrr.....
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Hi Doc - my joint number one CB man xxx
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Yeah - but you can have first 'go' !!
"Hi Doc - my joint number one CB man xxx"

***She means the Doc and Squiddly......with Vibes and me taking up the rear :0)***
Yogi ...

I think the expression is "bringing" up the rear ...

... not "taking" up the rear !

(I hope!)
I'm flexible, long as honey's involved :0) xx
sopporting england in the world cup (very silly)☺☺☺

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What is the definition of....

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