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Another grasshopper with a View

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Mick-Talbot | 12:13 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
You no understand the ways of the chatterbank



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That reminds me... I must clear out my wardrobe...
I quite fancy a boiled egg now
i need a pee
I need to tidy up.
You do know there is no meat in an egg don't you. Unless of course you go the Balut route...
there is meat in a scotch egg
its protein snags,

eggs n meat
eggs n meat
eggs n meat
Cheers've just reminded me I need to hard boil some eggs.
craft... that deserves a thread all of its own. Will you be going for a runny yolk?
"Ah Grasshopper - why stab saus-arge with fork?"
"No-one knows my Son - English very inscrutable island people"

I loved that ad. Was it Walls?
I need a pee, some lunch and do some piggin' work.
"Ah Grasshopper it is time to tell you why I went blind"
that's better
Not sure about the yolk snags...........may have to ask a question in Food & Drink....
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Wheres kung view gone?

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Another grasshopper with a View

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