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I've been advised to ask of you all....

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Bbbananas | 11:20 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
... anyone have a marshmallow handy?


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lol that's the spirit. I will email you one over later.
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Thank you xxx
can you toast them before you email them , or will that ruin them?
^^ It's love :0)
no, but i have a wooden footy
Do they do battered marshmallows in Scotland?
the kids have some flumps, but you would need to be an expert in martial arts to get any from them.
yes craft, haggis flavoured ones
A marshmallow ?

Sals ... you CANNOT get one into a parking meter.

Stop these experiments !
Question Author
Flumps are not proper marshmallows. They are imposters.
I keep my spare marshmallows in a sock...............but don't tell snags
its a proper marshmallow, or it was i've eaten them now
I need to buy some marshmallows. I have a hankering to make some rocky road bars.
McMouse... I wondered what the bulge was...

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I've been advised to ask of you all....

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