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Life is a bowl of cherries....

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Bbbananas | 15:30 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
And I've just scoffed a whole bowl of them.
Not such a good idea for someone who's just getting over a dose of the squitters.....


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Come on the Birds, eat all rowans Cherries and whatever else she's got in the garden.
That's what you get for trying to shun Mr 'V' ! :-)
I haven't watched that film yet - is it any good? It didn't look it!

I say the most amazing V year before last at a halloween do - very creepy!
Rowans cherry went years ago petal...I have two rowan trees in the garden for making jelly later would go well with some welsh lamb...
It's a good Film Greedyfly and if you get the chance watch it one evening. Ask rowan to come round and watch it with you she will fall in love with Mr 'V' ! :-)
Mrs jth was hospitalised after pigging-out on far too many cherries............she turns a funny shade of green if she so much as sees one now !
I shall give it a go then. I am not much for films really. I find them very predictable. But if I see it about I shall give it a watch.
That's harsh JTH - hope she was ok in the end! =0
Just got a big punnet of stawberries from asda £1 with cream having them later on cant wait!!
Actually I like movies like that... housemate doesn't ... don't think it is one for watching on your own... I just find the mask really spooky....and I can't bear to look at stegs avatar either... bit like salla with her cats I suppose....
When I used to work in the record shop we had IT on dvd on a shelf and a colleague (male) actually screamed when he turned around and was faced with it. Total fear of clowns!
The Film stars Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman, John Hurt and Stephen Rea. Has a pretty good story actually and good special effects !
Redman - I know Alan Moore..........:o)
Hi jackthehat ! You've lost me now jack, which Alan Moore is this ? I must be thick ! lol
Sorry for my late response, redman.
Alan Moore wrote the graphic novel of V for Vendetta...........and From Hell.........and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen........and Watchmen.....!
Hi jackthehat ! Yes, it was later in the evening that I twigged that he was author of the Book which I haven't read. Only seen the Film which I have in my DVD collection !

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Life is a bowl of cherries....

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