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Wearing no socks is remarkably comfortable

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Booldawg | 09:56 Thu 15th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Typical. I got my brand new bike yesterday and after months of Sahara style aridness it decides to rain.
Got soaked cycling into work this morning only to discover I had no back-up socks at work. Well I did find one.

I'm wearing work boots with one sock on and one sock off. Its more comfortable that I thought it would be. Not sure if to go commando with the other sock.


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Go on - I dare you. It's sexy, honest ;-)
It'll make you feel all mediterranean....(just ignore whatever joeluke may have to say)
do you know nothing ?
socks shoulod awlays be worn. even with sandles.

especially with sandles. and white ones only.
but only if you are British and over 45
You forgot the long shorts rowan.
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I need to either wear no socks or wait for my socks to dry. I feel unbalanced with one on one off. My ying is out of kilter with my yang, my venus is uranus etc etc.
sadly its the old farts that so often take the speedo option
Long shorts is a recent phenomenon, returning to the days of covering up and excessive Victorian modesty. In my day we had thrown off those chains and weren't ashamed of our thighs. But now-a-days, lord preserve us, bad taste means shorts are being used to replace proper underpants ! And are now rarely seen as a summer outer garment, as they should be.

And those of us not a slave to fashion gurus take no notice of bullying to conform. Sandals need socks, as how else would you soak up the perspiration ? What's fashionable and beautiful about glistening wet feet & sandals dripping everywhere ?
long shorts have been the norm in Bermuda for years and there's a strict etiquette about how long they should be.

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I've always had a problem with long sleeved tops with a t-shirt over the top. Both pointless and ridiculous.
Yeah Americans. Tsk. No accounting :)
booldawg - thats very practical for young kids - day one, t-shirt under top - day two, top has foodstains so put the t-shirt on the outside! 2 days from the same clothes - very good for the environment.
During desk work at my previous company, I used to slip my shoes off. Found that a good way to work.
You were amazed no one came and interrupted you all day.

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Wearing no socks is remarkably comfortable

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