Have had a lot of problems with my PC lately which ended up with it crashing and I couldn't log in. Somebody helped me to get it up and running and it seemed this was due to a virus. Have now got good anti-virus and trying to sort out the system. Keep getting a blue screen which says beginning dump of physical memory, also crashes a lot and is very slow. Been suggested that I need a Registry Repair but searches on the internet all seem to be american and need payment in dollars.
Can anybody help or offer advice on Registry Repairs? I have windows xp.
this is a link to a free registry cleaner download which you could try. http://www.computeractive.co.uk/vnunet/downloa ds/2158231/eusing-free-registry-cleaner
but sounds like a bad sector in your hard drive,you could try and click on start > my computer right click on c drive > properties > tools then check your disc for errors.
if this does not work post back again.