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never normally trawl through old threads of mine...

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Bobbisox | 12:17 Fri 16th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
but I needed to find something specific,,,
bloody hell , how many times did I used to say Sorry' to everyone,,, I have just had a good LOL at my stupidity...LOL

sqad you were right babes :o)

Have you changed your attitude/outlook or views since joining AB?
<well, it's quiet in here today <smiles ruefully>


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As long as you're not too boo
God ,the thought of me naked, putting me off my own dinner, never mind anyone elses!

And yes, you're probably right craft, lol.

Always knew you were iffy jno ;-)
-- answer removed --
i come on here to entertain myself, if i bug someone or make someone cringe then bonus.............. yippee

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never normally trawl through old threads of mine...

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