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Oh joy, oh rapture! The rain has come

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zita-green | 14:18 Fri 16th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
down in buckets.


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Sorry ttfn, I forgot you still run the Glad Tidings Mission. I have to pay my gardener to cut the lawns at the back and front of my house and you know..... garden. Is boxy about <not my lady garden>.
I've just locked the back door, the sky is dark blue and the stars are coming out, clear as a bell here. Watch out for the heatwave, we heard it here first!
gran, you got in while I was posting. Glad to see it's not me with vulgar terminology tonight, quite right too that someone else gets a poke from ttfn for being smutty!
Hope you're right boxtops!...........the rain has been good for the garden, but would like to think that we're going to get some more good weather soon!...........
Hi Poodi : )

I'd do your grass for free Gran .. Not 20-odd acres, is it?!

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Oh joy, oh rapture! The rain has come

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