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As Chatterbank sleeps...Shhhhhhh

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ELVIS68 | 02:55 Sat 17th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
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Golden sands here snagsa - not pebbles. Did you read about the artificial surf reef recently installed at the eastern end bu Boscombe Pier? The contractors never said it would increase the number of waves coming in - just improve the ones that did hit the shore. Having said that Boscombe is in a terrible decline commercially speaking so if it brings in extra trade it will help many businesses. Can't say I have noticed an increase in Dormabiles around town though.
Luv a duck - snags I can't spell your name for toffee today! I must be ready for bed now , have been awake for 46 hours - now that is sleep deprivation! I will wish you a good day and hope you get some more visits to Selsey in - give my regards to Bill! ttfn
Yes, I've heard of it... also heard it hasn't been as successful as they'd hoped... great expense for only a few larger waves. Maybe the sea life will benefit in terms of new habitat!
Enjoy your kip!
Not sure about the sea life snags - it is so close to the sewage outlet pipe you wouldn't believe it!! Nite nite
goodnight ttfn

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