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how many teeth have you got?

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mollykins | 10:50 Sat 17th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I have 27. If you don't want to divuldge if they are real or not you don't have to . . . .


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Molly, you are a class act.
Hang on a minute molly while I take them out to count them......
Good Morning Molly
full set here pet x
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I had a baby one pulled out as it cracked, and the two adult ones either side have closed the gap, but I think I might be getting a wisdom tooth in another corner . . .

I'm bored, if you hadn't realised, and when i'm bored I start talking about the randomest of things.
32 innit, not gona count em
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I have a gob full of
31.. I had a wisdom tooth out earlier this year.. at MY age!
It's the folks who have over 70 that scare the bejesus outta me.
i have 37
I have 78
not in that pic of you cazz, you have only 1..ha-ha
I Have 21, I only ever had 27 adult teeth, never got any wisdom teeth but never chewed any bones and so I never actually needed them, only missing the 2 cos there was no room for them, I have a small lower jaw apparently.
soz, that 21 should read 25!
Just the one .. great big wide one.
28, although some of them are assited by amalgam

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how many teeth have you got?

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