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Hazel Irvine - real or animatronic?

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bibblebub | 11:05 Sat 17th Jul 2010 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Drones on with a clearly phoney accent, her mouth moves to the words but barely a flicker of emotion in her expression, and minimal movements such as turning the head to one side.

Must be an animatronic from the "neeps and tatties" fun ride at Eurodisney.


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she is the preferred presenter over gary lineker..
11:06 Sat 17th Jul 2010
she is the preferred presenter over gary lineker..
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wish they'd hurry up and show some live golf
She needs a decent haircut and someone to dress her, apart from that she seems OK.
She talks like she's got to many teeth in her mouth.
BBC tokenism.
Worst presenter on TV! Artificial old fashioned and false1

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Hazel Irvine - real or animatronic?

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