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Following your parent(s)

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scotman | 23:27 Sat 17th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Just a quick question.

How many people here have the same job/profession as a parent(I am not meaning working in the family firm)?
From what I have seen it seems to be not unknown in the media or sport.
If you followed on why did you choose that, or did you deliberately choose something else?


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My father was in the army and I joined the RAF so I guess it was the service lif
or even the service life!
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Hi Alex

I had overlooked military. Do you think it was because that was what you were familiar with?
Yep, spent years living in Married quarters here and abroad so I guess I grew up accepting it though I did choose the RAF rather than the army
Alex - you look very dashing!! is that a current photo?
Not quite it is me about 60 years ago in my rocker days
No thanks, digging holes all day long, putting up fences, did it for about a year when I left school, ok in the summer but winter..Noooooo
My Father did various driving jobs and my Mother (Amongst other things) worked on the Railways as a Booking Clerk and also in a Shop in town. I'm 37 and I trained in Computer Aided Design. Now I do work in Retail, but I wouldn't say my Mother influenced my decision to change.
well Alex - I'm sure you must be a very distinguished and handsome chap these days.. my daddy is adorable and was a handsome hunk a-la you in your youth!!
I have my moments Hippy although they are few and far between these days but my Granddaughter loves me,
My dad was a teacher and my mum was a nursery nurse, I work in a library but a big part of my job is being in charge of the junior library and working with kids. I wouldn't say I was influenced by either of my parents but I do think we are similar kinds of people and all of us enjoy working with children.
I cant believe I said 60 years I just aged 10 years
of course she does.. I bet you let her get away with Murder!!.... can't t wait to be a granny.. already am an auntie with attitude lol.. Rachel and Claudie love me cos I let them get away with murder! Gray on the other hand.. she's mine..

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Following your parent(s)

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