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Strange... but nice.

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NoMercy | 07:53 Sun 18th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
I just had a rather nice hangover breakfast...

First person to guess what I just ate gets a bottle of wine.


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I'm heading to Sainsbury's later....and felafel is on the list....I often keep them in the freezer.
Question Author
I love the Cauldron ones too. I did have some lovely falafel from Waitrose last week.
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I know I'm not normal, but I'm trying to change.
No good being normal, be unique like the rest of us :-)
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lol Ratter!

Anyone got any decent coffee on the go?
I have a big black bin bag full of pringles, bread sticks, dips etc that I must have obtained lastnight
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Bread sticks.... Grissini, I hope. I love them dipped in cocktail sauce.

Yep... I just get weirder and weirder.

Good on you for bagging some goodies.
¿torrijas y cafe con leche?
you just reminded me, i picked up a large tub of humuus in costco last week, it's hidden at the back of the fridge and i keep forgetting about it. must chop some cucumber and carrots, and toast some pitta so i can have it for lunch, or maybe even a late brekkie. best brekkie for me is cold leftover chinese take-out but yours this morning sounds very tasty nomercy.
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It was delish, ethandron.

I did used to enjoy a Chinese takeaway many moons ago, but now I'm a total curry addict.

Piggy... breakfast was pitta and falafel. Do you ever eat bocadillos de tortilla? One of my favourite simple foods when I was over there.
Just for you NoM..... (Do a ctrl + F5)
god knows what breadsticks they are.
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What a beaut !

Be still my beating heart.
buenas dias nm, que tal?,
bocadillas con tortilla, it depends where you ate these, most of the time, a complete meal, maybe a little heavy. i discovered better tasting examples in cantabria, fresher tasting.
i quite like tostada con tomate y ajo algunas veces,

cerdita de nariz
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Muy bien, Piggy, y tu?

Prefiero comprar una tortilla y un bocadillo del supermercado y calentarlo en casa.

Siempre yo tengo una copa de vino con las comidas de mediodia.
chucks avatar just caused me to feel faint...........
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Chuck's avatar made my eyeballs pop out. I'm still trying to glue them back in.
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Jesus Christ... what's he sporting now....

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Strange... but nice.

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