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What happened to Noshtsherlock's thread

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factor-fiction | 19:24 Sat 17th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Was it removed?


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yes.. I wonder who that was then!
oh no I missed that!!! never mind they'll be back lol
Elementary my dear.....A banned person returning??
3 guesses..
Yes it was removed. I'm soooooooo gutted.
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Seemed like a banned person returning to me. Did he/she slip up with the 'Man-on-the Clapham-omnibus' reference?
I get the distinct impression it was a she.
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The 'hon/hun' reference?
Hasn't someone else on here called people 'hon/hun'?
Calling someone 'hun' could just be a red herring.
or what they actually call people?!
Did you see the spelling? It bore a strong resemblance to a former poster (no mention of names, no mention of IRA threats).
Of course, Greedy. I would hope that goes without saying! [:o)
I know I'm a newbie, To me you guys talk in riddles. Why mot just come out with the names of who you think it is.
He has a point ^
Ok.....I wasn't here but from what NoM has said then it was probably a banned user called 'noway'

She frequents SAB now...

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