... ( cont. ) With hindsight I can see that I was very badly affected by exhaustion as any parents of twins are but because of that my grandparents negative comments really struck deep and I began to think they might be right, that despite all these wonderful things we daughters had these two little aflictions might spoil their lives. That made my guilt worse and so I worried even more.
I do think you need to cut your daughter in law a little slack. Becoming a parent can be exhausting and overwhelming, twins can be even more demanding and with the possibility of one of your children being diagnosed with CP, can you really blame her for being down about it. Her whole live has been turned upside down and she needs your support more than ever, especially if her own mother is too wrapped up in feeling sorry for herself. I'm glad you and your son are positive people. That will be a big help. I hope I've managed to explain myself without sounding harsh or self pitying - I probably couldn't have put my feelings into words like this at the time and maybe your daughter in law is having the same problem.
I do wish you and your family all the very best. You enjoy every moment you can get with these beautiful grand children.