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Oh come on!!

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4getmenot | 19:02 Mon 19th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Someone must have some good goss or some nice new news to tell? Its so boring on here lately bobbi's emails are back Woohoo, its raining on doc and we're even naming the little green person!!

Do you think its because no one gets out anymore because they are glued to their computers?


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Reminds me of the Big Brother House - ha ha
Question Author
lets get some tasks in here then
Dont forget steves dilemma with his toilet door colour choices...
anyone got a wart or verruca?
A touch of athletes foot ethan if that helps?
Question Author
no got rid of my verucca last year with some nail clippers
I thought there was some 'excitement' much do ya want...??
don't you think seeing people chewing gum is disgusting? my friends brother was a pall bearer at their mums funeral and he chewed his way through the whole service.
Question Author
wow one question that got zapped anyway. Just look on this page and tell me of any good question
Question Author
its not polite to chew gum in certain circumstances and that is one of them ethan
will try the nail clippers 4get. am hoping duct tape and salacilic acid will do the trick.
Bet that verruca comes back...they are nasty little b*****s
Question Author
chop it with nail clippers then walk around with a banana skin in your shoe for a bit
ok then, don't mind looking an idiot with a banana skin in my shoe so long as this thing goes away.might have a pick at it later.
did you watch that utube thing of the biggest zit? wished i was the one squeezing it:)
Question Author
No I didnt, anything with zits would make me sick. pasta mine never came back
I thought you would enjoy my thread 4get...oh well can't win 'em all eh? :-p
I've got good news! My b/friend has been offered a permanent contract! It means relocating but its a fantastic opportunity so we're going for it.
Question Author
good for you toni!! x
well, c'mon then, post a thread that we can get our teeth into

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Oh come on!!

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