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Big Brother, who will be up for eviction next week?

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CuteToni | 07:32 Sat 17th Jul 2010 | Reality TV
6 Answers
The 3 noobies? I don't like any of the new housemates yet. Andrew is trying so hard but has become leery, I can't understand a word the tall girl says I forget her name, and Keeley reminds me of zoe Wanamaker.


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I think Keely will be up definately and Keeva again, an outsider maybe Steve.

Im worrie John james might be up because newbies might vote for him
I think Keeley will be up and possibly John James - he is good to look at, but boy does he need some anger management.
i think it will be keeley and keeva, possibly andrew as well.
I think keeva, keeley and possible JJ.I just wish the HM`s would see through Josie and put her up,don`t think it will happen though,not until they finally realise when she "jokes" about the other hm`s she is simply loading the gun for them to fire the bullets, and avoiding being nominated herself.
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Its ciamohe(keeva?) and the scouser...

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Big Brother, who will be up for eviction next week?

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