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My butcher's offering 8 legs of venison for £50

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McMouse | 16:53 Tue 20th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
is this too dear?


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Venison is betwen £20 and £30 a kilo so I would say it was a real bargain and certainly not expensive at all for the amount of meat you are getting.

Check that this is the correct deal though, as it does seem rather cheap.
This post made me smile, an 8-legged deer?
I assume it is two animals.....
Question Author
too dear box
Oh dear, if you had said pork this would have got the chop.
No boxtops, it's two dear.

I don't know McMouse, but have you tried budgie meat- I hear that budgies are going cheep at the monment
well yes, squarebear, obviously !
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get me out of this joint
I bought some chicken from my butcher but it tasted fowl.
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I bet my butcher £20 he couldn't reach the meat on the top shelf. He said the steaks were too high.
my butcher has a new sausage roll business due to the recession half vegetarian half normal sausage roll

that way he does not have to make both ends meat

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My butcher's offering 8 legs of venison for £50

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