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john1066 | 14:47 Wed 21st Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Going to Austria on Sunday.....Wunderbar....Anyone wanna come?


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Can be packed within the hour - and guessing from john 1066 you are in the Battle area so ten minutes down the road - we can share a taxi
I'd love to, but can't. Could you bring me home a sachertorte, please. A really chocolatey one, please. Thanks. Chox.
Wish I could, but I am paying a visit to Norfolk (but I'd rather be in Austria!).
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I live in Suffolk. you holidaying in Norfolk -----whatever next??
We're moving at the end of the month and my husband wants to go on holidays 4 days later - ambitious or mental (we've got 5 kids too!).
Completely nuts....
Sherrard - positively certifiable.

John - please. The best I can look forwards to is a wet weekend in a tent with two ruffled around the boa children.
I should add that he wants to hire a touring caravan (which we have NEVER done) and go to the South of France (and Italy and some other places too)! I want to go on holiday but I'll need another one to get over it.
Can somebody please remind me? I know that AB's system inserts 'ruffled around the boa' in place of something it regards as 'a bit naughty' but I can't remember what it is. Can anyone tell me (obviously by using a few asterisks, or whatever)?
I was stressed just taking my youngest to Blackpool for 2 days...that boy can talk some rubbish...
Will you be on the piste at all??

p i s s e d o f f

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