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tv quiz...part 2...

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stokemaveric | 19:15 Thu 22nd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
1.who sang ''i could be so good for you'' in minder?...2...what are the christian name of the harts in ''hart to hart''.?..3..who owned the horse ''hercules''?...4...what was the first ever daily quiz show to be shown on tv?...5...when did ceefax first start broadcasting?...


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1. Dennis Waterman
2. Jonathan & Jennifer
3. Steptoe & Son
3..Steptoe & Son?
1. Dennis Waterman
1. Denis Waterman
2. Jonathon and Jennifer
3. Steptoe (& son)
4. Going for gold (?)
3- Steptoe & Son.
4- Countdown
1 Dennis Waterman
2 Jonathan & Jennifer
3 The Steptoes
Question Author
4 out of 5 jackthehat lol...
4 Blockbusters?
5 1974
Question Author
correct kawakiri...''ill have a p bob''
Bah !
I reckon 'Countdown' is probably correct.........but had forgotten that it could be counted as a 'quiz show'...........:o(
Oh............fiddlesticks !!
Question Author
lol jackthehat...thats
-- answer removed --

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tv quiz...part 2...

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