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Doesn't she know that this won't keep mosquitos away?

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sandyRoe | 19:12 Thu 22nd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Cole who is currently recovering from a malaria infection she caught during an Africa holiday, is thought to have hired private guards as well as having security cameras and heat sensors installed around her house.


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When I read that Cheryl Cole/Tweedy was worried that her singing voice would be ruined by her bout of malaria I nearly died laughing.
So did i daffy but didnt want to come across as bitchy lol
Oi she's me Geordie pal..ha-ha
My grannie was geordie but if she was a crap singer,she was a crap singer..
I concede defeat poodi ha-ha

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Doesn't she know that this won't keep mosquitos away?

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