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Windy | 14:55 Thu 22nd Jul 2010 | Crosswords
12 Answers
My brain has gone dead any help much appreciated!
1. An infinitesimal amount of time determined one did not leave first (5,6) S???? ???O?D
2. Mutiny is to be read in the version printed in the south (8) ?????I?N
3. Scots youngster (5) ??A?N
4. Southern entreaty provides a sprinkler (7) S?C????
5. Don't sharpen X or Z for the sweet stuff! (5) ??N?Y
6. How can a headless chauvinist survive? (5) ????T
7. Strenuous interrogation- regarding the fruits of university course number three? (5,6) T??R? ?E?R??
8. Large deciduous tree (5) ?????


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1. Split Second.
1 split second
3 Bairn
1 split second
7 third degree
1 split second
2 sedition
3 bairn ? if you have a letter wrong
4 sprayer
5 honey
6 exist
7 third degree
6 (S) exist
3 Bairn
5 hone y
8 cedar ? probably several possibilities with 5 letters
7. Third Degree
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Most grateful thank you all

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