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New Career for me

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EngTeach | 14:56 Thu 22nd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I have decided to leave teaching and become a traveling flat-pak furniture assembler. I have successfully put together 2 TV stands (one even had a door w/ hinges) and a desk with a drawer that has casters. That was in the past week. Perhaps IKEA will take me on. LOL


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I love putting flat pack furniture together - the caretaker at work even leaves them for me to do if we get anything in, cos he hates it :)
I've got a job for you - a storeage box from Ikea I can't fathom out
Its a girl thing because we don't feel threatened by instructions
I assembled bunk beds by myself. Not very good with things that have doors though; they tend to open in funny directions.
It might be just as challenging but the pay will be less. . . . .
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Molly, that is quite true!
The directions were perfect for me: minimal words, good pics. I am a visual learner.
minimal words? and you're an English teacher!
Sometimes you need a bl00dy degree to fathom out the instructions for flat-pack furniture!
JL, I was ten and helped my cousin who has a masters in chemistry from Cambridge to put draws together!
don't do it Teach ... you'll have to change your username and then become added to the list of newbies some users are paranoid about ...
Mrs McM is brilliant at flatpak stuff once she remembers which way to screw.
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Oh I will stick to teaching. I don't want to change my AB name to "FlatPack". That sounds quite creepy!
How many screws and/or unidentified plastic fixings did you have left over? If the answer is none you did something wrong ;-p
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Actually, the desk had each group of screws, etc. in a cardboard pack labeled, "step1, step 2". The only thing left over was a grouping labeled "Spare Parts".. I am very proud of my prowess with the cordless drill. I even hung a mirror that is centered and level. I only had to re-drill one spot on the wall. It has been hanging for over 24 hours, so I am hopeful it will stay there!
When my friends' children get their first apartment, be they male or female, I will make them a small tool kit for house warming.

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