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ttfn | 07:28 Fri 23rd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
you are a tease -do you always wake up so awake?


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why hallo ttfn - yes I do, some of it is autopilot, some of it is about having a cat reminding me about its breakfast.
Question Author
Would it not have been more realistic if the owner was on a sofa?
I am out of here >>>>>>>>>whoooooosh

Have a great day mate ♥
I'm a happy bunny too
yoo-hooooo ♪♪
I'm drunk.
good, we will be in for extra shmutt I hope gal ...(:o)
Nooooo.... I'm already in big big trouble over the works do last night. I may not have a job come Monday :-(
ha-ha I can well imagine salla
Question Author
Oh dear salla - not a works don't then? You will be fine so long as you have a greasy bacon sarnie or two,a yoghurt drink, then at 10.20 I recommend a cheese and onion pasty - luke warm and a banana milkshake. Mercia should have posted her menu by 11.00 incase you are feeling peckish. All right for soluble aspro & alka seltzer? What are you knees like today btw - any 'special' plasters?
I didn't fall over, which is a result. It was just my gob that went all over the place. Loudly and rudely. Everyone here today just takes one look at me and bursts out laughing.
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Oh dear salla - can you remember why they are laughing ?
(don't fret if you can't - it will come back to you, might not be today or tomorrow or next week or next year, but it will!)
No ttfn - it never does. Perhaps it's better not knowing, I shall probably be even more mortified. I swore a lot and was very 'open' about certain things. Oh god, I even told them the names of my vibrators.....
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Please don't tell me they equated to a football team (including subs) ?
Only 3.
Purple Ronnie. Mini Miracle. Bugs.
Question Author
Could have been worse (;-))
Now have you looked at anyone's videos on their mobile phones? - try borrowing a few and see what (erm) comes up.
OMG No.... I'll not sleep for a week. I was very bosomy to start off with - I do hope my top managed to stay on. I probably flashed a nip or two.
Question Author
Stay calm, and don't have nightmares salla ROFL ♥

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